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Durable Tile Roofs in St. Augustine, FL

Hester's Roofing & Coating provides elegant and durable tile systems in St. Augustine, FL. Tile roofing is made to last and is excellent at withstanding the natural elements. On average, they last decades longer than traditional shingle roofs. Our tile roofs come in many styles such as S style or flat and materials and will stay vibrant over time. They are made to withstand rain, hail, high winds, and fire. We offer high-quality professional installation with many classy and traditional style options in multiple material types such as concrete, clay, and synthetic. Although the initial price of tile is higher than other roofing options, tile roofs are low-maintenance and energy-efficient. Our professional contractors install tile roofing solutions that can last a lifetime.

tile roofing

Is Tile a Good Roofing Option for FL

Homes that are compatible with tile roofing can appreciate many benefits this roofing option has to offer. Tiles are much heavier than other roofing options and may require added reinforcement for proper installation, but they offer many advantageous benefits to home and business owners. Because tiles reflect heat away from the home, tile roofing helps keep your home cooler and reduces electricity costs. Tile roofs offer the most premium look to your home, sure to catch the eyes of your neighbors and those passing by. Tile roofs are more durable, but with high ticket price selling point is more to those who can afford a specifically luxurious look they desire. Tile roofs offer many benefits, including:

  • Hail resistance
  • High wind resistance
  • Long-term durability
  • Luxury aesthetic appeal
  • Reduced heat absorption
Aerial View of a House with a Pool, Highlighting Quality Roof Services in St. Augustine, Florida

Our Longest-Lasting Premium Roof System

Tile roofing is a popular option among FL residents and business owners. They are durable, long-lasting, and environmentally friendly. This premium roof system is one of the longest-lasting roof systems available. Tiles have been used for roofing since ancient times, with stellar architectural examples from the Romans and Egyptians. Our professional-quality tile roofs provide a classy, luxurious appearance with outstanding quality and performance. We offer numerous tile style options, including Flat and S tiles, that come in a wide variety of colors and textures. Contact our roofing contractors to learn more about our tile roof installation.

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