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Quality Workmanship Roofing in St. Augustine, FL

Hester's Roofing & Coating is a state-licensed local roofing company in St. Augustine, FL. We are local, family, and veteran owned and operated. We have a history of trusted and reliable services in the North Florida area. Our roofing services include shingle, metal, tile, and flat complete systems, as well as repairs. We also offer free estimates for both our residential and commercial clients. We’ll help you make an informed decision and conduct a thorough inspection to determine if your roof needs repairs or a replacement. Extend the lifespan of your home with our professional, dependable, and affordable services. Contact us about any of your roofing needs.

The founders, Jim and Kelly, moved to St. Augustine in the late 90s with their young son Will. Jim worked in the drywall and painting industry for more than a decade before stumbling into the roofing industry. During the economic crisis of 2008, Jim and Kelly were offered the opportunity to coat roofs in South Florida through a state-funded program. Although the program was short-lived, they had been introduced to a new trade. While Kelly was studying and preparing for her roofing license, her and Jim chased hail and wind storms in Alabama and Mississippi working under other contractors. Kelly received her state roofing license in late 2009 and they opened Hester’s Roofing & Coating. Will began his roofing career in high school tearing off old roofs with his father Jim and crew, as well as learning the commercial coating process. After high school, Will was uncertain of lifelong plans and joined the United States Marine Corps where he served as a correspondent documenting the modern day Marine Corps. Upon fulfilling his service in late 2018 he came back home to rejoin the team in St. Augustine with a plethora of marketing and communication skills.

He came home to an old-school business priding itself on word of mouth and referrals. With his new skills, he jumped into rebranding the company, birthing an online presence, and focusing on community expansion. Will attended the University of North Florida for several semesters until the pandemic arose, sprouting nationwide fear and affecting the education system. He took a break from school and took on a larger role within the company. Now Kelly serves as the rock of the company, keeping the gears oiled and production flowing through administrative action with permits, document filing, and keeping up with modern construction codes. Will has taken the lead in estimating and all things production such as operations, logistics, scheduling, and project management. Jim has semi-retired offering his service as a silent partner and mentor to the team. The company has been in business for more than 14 years now and continues to aspire to expand and grow, with hopes of serving as many homeowners in Northeast Florida as possible. Learn more about our team below:

Helping Homes Weather Every Storm

At Hester's Roofing & Coating, we’ve got you covered. Our roofing company is reliable, family-owned, and trustworthy. We respect our clients and their homes with every roofing project we take on. We work hard to protect your home and your roof through Florida’s rough storm seasons and hurricanes. We provide the reliability and durability your most significant investment deserves with the highest quality roofing materials and craftsmanship. We will overlook and inspect each roof to determine the utmost quality for your home. When you request our roofing services, you can expect the highest quality results and customer satisfaction.

Business address:

210 Mimosa Road, St. Augustine, FL 32086

Business hours:

Mon – Fri 08:00 AM—06:00 PM
Saturday 10:00 AM—05:00 PM
Sunday 10:00 AM—02:00 PM

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